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3 Things I've Learned About Working Out Lately

For as long as I can remember, I have always had an 'all or nothing' relationship with working out. Growing up I was always active and really fell into my place and my favorite sport when I got into running. I have gone through many different sports, weight sizes, and phases of my working out career but now I am in a place where I am obsessed and love the results that I am seeing. As an adult, I feel like there is a real lack of motivation and maybe that is because of the pressure that we start to put on it. It becomes less fun and more of something we see has a daily habit that we have to do and dare I say, like work!

It seems like every couple of weeks I get into this funk of not wanting to do anything and being fitness lazy, as I call it. I'd say the past 5 months is the first time in YEARS that I have truly stuck to something. I'm pretty sure it's because I have found different types of fitness that I truly love and motivates me to get off my butt and get a workout in. Not that long ago I shared with y'all a vlog of my weekly workouts and you can find that here! So, I wanted to share a few things I’ve learned over the past 5 months that have really helped me stay committed. I hope they help you, too!

1. It doesn't have to be intense

Because of how I grew up learning how to do workouts properly and playing sports, I have always thought that unless I can barely walk the next day that it doesn't count. Anyone else like that? I love weight lifting because it has taught me to really listen to my body and that I don't have to do heavy weights to get a great workout in. Yes, I can feel some soreness the next day, but I truly feel GOOD! My body feels stronger and in the best shape that it has been in years. Yes, I still have a ways to go but it feels good to be on the right foot heading forward.

I am feeling much more energized and ready to take on the day and it is also helping me have a better nights sleep. I think I am not the only one here that when you do a harder workout, you feel drained for the rest of the day and I hate that feeling. I am on the go all day and need my body to keep up with me and not be drained. I do love a good hard workout that makes me sweat but it doesn't always have to be steep inclines on the treadmill or extremely heavy weights that give you a great workout.

2. Do the kind of workouts that motivate you

I have found in the last 5 months that I am not as willing to get a workout in if it is not something that excites and motivates me to get up off my butt and go do it! Every person is different and likes their workouts to be a certain way, whether you like to lift weights, take cycling classes, rock climbing, and so forth. I have finally gotten back into the workouts that motivate me and make me want to go to the gym because of the results that I have been seeing from those workouts.

I have found that I love to lift weights and especially love to get a good leg day in. It makes me feel stronger after I lift weights and sometimes I sweat more from lifting weights than doing any kind of cardio. I have also found that my love for running is back because for me there is no better feeling than that runner's high after a run that makes you want to go do it again. And then there is of course the cycling classes and group fitness classes that kick my butt because they are going at a pace that I am used to when I am just doing it by myself. Those classes also keep me accountable to make sure I actually get a workout in!

I strongly suggest finding the types of workouts that motivate you and make you want to do it again and again because you love it that much and it makes you feel great! It may be a process of trial and error but I promise you, you will find things that you love!

3. 30 minutes of walking a day can change your life

Okay so maybe that is a little dramatic and won't really save your life but I think a walk a day can do a whole lot. I have always loved a good walk and now that it is part of my daily life, I can't imagine ever going without my walks. I try to go on multiple walks a week because it calms my mind and body and gets me back to a good starting place. I truly can't explain how good this habit is of getting a few walks in a week and I even add people to my habit and try to walk with my Mimi at least once a week. When I am feeling tired and that I don't want to do one of my normal workouts, I will go out and get a walk in and feel completely recharged.

What kinds of workouts do y'all like to do? What motivates y'all to get your workouts in? I would love to hear from y'all and learn what keeps y'all motivated in the fitness world.

As always thank y'all for stopping by and reading! I will see y'all back here next time!

Love, D

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A Little Bit About Me!

I am a born and raised southern girl from North Carolina who loves to do anything, especially going to go see a good concert! I may wear a t-shirt and nike shorts everyday but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion and love to get dressed up every once in a while. I may not look like it but I am addicted to working out but love to eat the foods that I love and try new and exciting things! I have been through a lot of things and would love to share experiences and the journeys that I have gone on with everybody! 

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