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October Horoscope

Happy October! It feels so weird to say that. I am a huge zodiac fan and love everything about zodiac signs and what they stand for. I am a Pisces and one of my favorite jewelry pieces that I wear every day is a gold necklace in script font that says Pisces. So I thought it would be fun to start at the beginning of every month, sharing out the horoscope for each of the zodiac signs and share what each month is going to hold for everyone.

What is y'all's zodiac sign? Do you like reading your horoscope?

Capricorn ♑(December 22- January 19): Ready to get on top, Capricorn? Your talents for organization at work can help you to sort out what projects no longer need your attention, and how you can save time for what matters. You may notice that your attitude towards authority figures and power structures is shifting. Now is the time to pay attention to who you support and how you contribute to these energies. Work to protect yourself and others as new truths come to light. Are you feeling a little overwhelmed? Be considerate of your actions, instead of rushing into things. You're ready to shake off all things serious and enjoy reconnecting with friends. Celebrate each other's successes and brainstorm on creative ideas that bring you joy.

Aquarius ♒(January 20- February 19): It's time to get your house in order, Aquarius. You’ll find yourself blessed with the ability to spot tiny mistakes and DIY solutions. Reflect on the lessons that Pluto's retrograde had brought you over the previous six months, and celebrate your growth. Update your resume, polish your portfolio, and move forward. Are you picturing a better way to get things done? You've got the chance to hit the reset button. Set an intention to make a small yet powerful change during this transit. People are drawn to your natural charisma and zest for life, make sure that you're not getting burnt out as you attract new attention.

Pisces ♓(February 20- March 20): You're bursting with vitality, Pisces. You’ll get a boost of creativity. It may feel as though you need to take more time to process your feelings, so ask people for space if you need it. Rest and center your thoughts. Is now the right time for you to collaborate with someone on one of your passion projects? Work to get outside of your comfort zone. This transit can help you to seek out powerful new influences to help guide your purpose. We're blessed with a second full Moon in steady Taurus on October 31: On Halloween, enjoy taking things easy and connecting with a few close friends.

Aries ♈(March 21- April 20): Are you feeling invigorated, Aries? You could be inspired to get your space into tip-top shape on October 1. You may be tempted to entertain. Be kind to yourself and simplify your schedule starting October 13, when routine-ruling Mercury stations retrograde in analytical Scorpio. If you feel as though you're missing details — slow down. You've got time to figure out any kinks that need sorting out, there are more important things at work. Get to know yourself better and embrace a new metamorphosis. Spend time alone, and familiarize yourself with your desires. You may feel more drawn to your own space on Halloween, when the home-loving Moon waxes full in steady Taurus. Tuck in for a scary movie and snacks with your favorite people to enjoy this holiday.

Taurus ♉(April 21- May 20): You've got a new attitude towards love, you're ready to take a chance on romance starting October 4. When Pluto moved in reverse, he gave you the opportunity to understand your relationship habits more clearly. Knowing what you know now, how will you approach matters of the heart? If you're single, let yourself be open to new experiences and maintain healthy boundaries. In a relationship? Be prepared to ask for what you need. Hold onto your cash and start saving for a rainy day beginning October 13, when money-minded Mercury stations retrograde in analytical Scorpio. When your financial ruler moves in reverse, he asks you to be conservative with your spending. Take time to consider how you've been keeping up with your colleagues and network during these unprecedented times. Check-in with people you haven't had a face-to-face with and see what's on their radar.

Gemini ♊(May 21- June 20): You've been acclimatizing to a new environment, get ready to enjoy smoother sailing beginning October 4, when routine-ruling Pluto stations direct in determined Capricorn. Use your newfound strength to find your best lifestyle, and consider what you can cut out to streamline your calendar. It's time for you to slow down and take care of finer details starting October 13, when ruling Mercury stations retrograde in strategic Scorpio. This is an excellent time for you to get to know yourself better and understand your inner workings. Make a list of what you're thankful for, and work backward to the absolute necessities. You're ready to prioritize your well-being beginning October 22, when the Sun brightens your 6th house of health, order, and service. Procrastination and other bad habits will become a thing of the past as you make time to optimize your life. 

Cancer ♋(June 21- July 22): It's time to come out of your shell, you're in the mood to spice things up starting October 4 when pleasure-seeking Pluto stations direct in witty Capricorn. As temperatures drop, it's in your best interest to find safe ways to keep yourself entertained. Are there any hobbies or skills that you've wanted to work on? Take this time to uncover a hidden talent and have fun. What's life without a little mystery? Focus on asking questions and developing your spiritual side starting October 13, when inner growth-ruling Mercury stations retrograde in secretive Scorpio. Avoid putting pressure on yourself as the messenger planet moves in reverse. This phase offers you the opportunity to focus on how you can enrich your relationships and create healthy boundaries. Be prepared to take risks, and enjoy the unexpected during this favorable transit. 

Leo ♌(July 23- August 22): You're a force to be reckoned with, encouraging you to call upon your talents at work. Be ready to use this detail-oriented transit to help out your colleagues toward a shared goal. Embrace the mundane and focus on maintaining stability starting October 4, when domestic-ruling Pluto stations direct in practical Capricorn. Your home and family ruler is helping to reveal healthy habits for you in your space — remember to keep things simple and enjoy a slower pace. When it comes to spending, try to consider a more frugal approach starting October 13, when money-minded Mercury stations retrograde in shrewd Scorpio. This retrograde is a wonderful opportunity for you to better understand what you need and how you can make the most of your budget. If you're feeling stuck, seek out their council, and work together to find solutions to life's little hiccups. Together, you can do anything.

Virgo ♍(August 23- September 22): You've got an eye for numbers, it's a breeze for you to optimize your finances starting. On October 4, you're ready to transform yourself and seek out how you can help contribute to a better society, when powerful Pluto stations direct in determined Capricorn. Use this transit to investigate causes that you can lend your talents to. Take a deep look at how you're spending your energy, and if it's worth your time. This transit could help you to re-discover your purpose — are you happy where you are? This transit could help you to expand your thinking and open your mind to new opportunities.

Libra ♎(September 23- October 22): Celebrate your wins, you've learned a lot about how you can care for your financial health with money-minded Pluto spending half the year in retrograde. When was the last time you enjoyed a quiet moment, Libra? Take some time to slow down and quiet your thoughts starting. Invest a part of your day towards meditation or journaling in getting in touch with your inner voice. Set an intention to focus on a new skill, or improve your relationships with your colleagues. You could be ready to collaborate on an exciting new opportunity. Are you prepared to take a closer look at your relationship with the physical world?

Scorpio ♏(October 23- November 22): What's your love-language, Scorpio? Single or attached, you may notice that you want to give more of yourself to those you care for. If you're in a relationship, make sure to be careful of Virgo's shadow side, which can be critical and discouraging. You're feeling more comfortable in your own skin, this transit could encourage you to become more open with others and widen your social circle. Work on your sense of patience, you may notice that others are feeling the backspin and need to slow down. Lend support where you can until everyone is ready to get sorted. Your influence is undeniable— what will you do with this newfound power?

Sagittarius ♐(November 23- December 21): Are you ready to get on top of your to-do's, Sagittarius? You're feeling unstoppable, nothing gets past you during this productive transit, so put it to good use and get your ducks in a row. Take time to thank yourself for your strength and ability to heal. Continue to be kind yourself and let yourself feel what you need to feel. This transit can help you to better understand your feelings and improve your ability to listen. The process of self-improvement is a journey, not a destination. Get ready to become a whole new you.


What is y'all's zodiac sign? Do you like reading your horoscope?

As always, thank y'all for stopping by and reading. I will see y'all back here next time!

Love, Dani


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