July 2020 Reading List
Hey y'all! I hope y'all are having a great week so far. It is the start of a new month-- can y'all believe that, it is the start of August! Where is the year going? July just seemed to fly by and I can't wait to see what August has to offer. Since it is the end of July that means it is time to share my monthly reading list with y'all. I have a mixture of new and old books on my list and love that I get that great mixture and can share it with y'all.
What have y'all been reading recently? Do y'all have any recommendations for books that I should read?

~HELLO, FEARS: CRUSH YOUR COMFORT ZONE AND BECOME WHO YOU'RE MEANT TO BE BY: MICHELLE POLER | What's the best that can happen?As the Founder of Hello Fears, a social movement empowering millions to live with courage and tap into their full potential, Michelle Poler lives happily outside the comfort zone. Not, in this inspiring and motivational new book, Michelle is challenging others to say Hello! to their fears and find meaningful happiness outside the traditional definition of success.With kick-butt attitude and a humorous *wink*, Michelle breaks down each set-back she battled on the road towards joyful purpose. Her stories and practical strategies encourage readers to name, accept, and embrace what's holding them back so they can be the heroine in their own life, not the victim. Hello, Fears! is an honest, empowering guide to living alongside what scares you. Our fears reveal what we care about the most, so each and every challenge is an opportunity to grow, hustle, and be your authentic self — unapologetically.
~ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING: FINDING CALM IN A CHAOTIC WORLD BY: MAX LUCADO | Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night? Is irrational anxiety your constant companion? Let God help you win the war on worry and receive the lasting peace of Christ. We all encounter anxiety, but we don’t have to let worry and fear control our lives. In this book, Max will help you: Celebrate God’s goodness, Ask God for help, Leave your concerns with God, Meditate on good things, Stop letting anxiety rule the day. Join Max on the journey to true freedom and experience more joy, clarity, physical renewal, and contentment by the power of the Holy Spirit.
~THE LAST BLACK UNICORN BY: TIFFANY HADDISH | Growing up in one of the poorest neighborhoods of South Central Los Angeles, Tiffany learned to survive by making people laugh. If she could do that, then her classmates would let her copy their homework, the other foster kids she lived with wouldn’t beat her up, and she might even get a boyfriend. Or at least she could make enough money—as the paid school mascot and in-demand Bar Mitzvah hype woman—to get her hair and nails done, so then she might get a boyfriend. None of that worked (and she’s still single), but it allowed Tiffany to imagine a place for herself where she could do something she loved for a living: comedy.Tiffany can’t avoid being funny—it’s just who she is, whether she’s plotting shocking, jaw-dropping revenge on an ex-boyfriend or learning how to handle her newfound fame despite still having a broke person’s mind-set. Finally poised to become a household name, she recounts with heart and humor how she came from nothing and nowhere to achieve her dreams by owning, sharing, and using her pain to heal others.
~BE STILL 90 DEVOTIONS FOR THE HOPEFUL HEART BY: CLEERE CHERRY | Calming and inspiring devotional reflections for hope and encouragement. I was gifted this devotional book at a time when I really needed it and it has become part of my daily routine. The devotions are relatable and in today's time.
~DREAM BIG BY: BOB GOFF | Bob Goff Is on a mission to help people recapture the version of their lives they dreamed about before fear started calling the shots. He wants them to dream big. In his revelatory yet utterly practical new book, Bob takes you on a life-proven journey to rediscover your dreams and turn them into reality. Based on his enormously popular Dream Big workshop, Bob draws on a lifetime of living and dreaming large to help you reach your larger-than-life dreams. In Dream Big he shows how to learn to define clearly your dreams for yourself, identify the obstacles holding you back, come up with a specific plan for reaching goals, and develop the tools that will help you act on the plan.

What have y'all been reading recently? Do y'all have any recommendations for books that I should read?
As always, thank y'all for stopping by and reading! I will see y'all back here next time!
Love, Dani