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My Shoe Collection

Alright, so I get a ton of questions from y'all as to my shoes! I have a relatively nice size collection of shoes really love how diverse my collection is. But trust me when I say that I do not have the most amount of shoes in the house, that title goes to my dad who is a huge sneakerhead. I'm not even kidding when I say that he has probably 75 pairs of shoes. So I thought I would take y'all through my shoe collection and go through some different scenarios like, my most worn pair of shoes, most colorful, most expensive, etc.

I also want to hear from y'all about your shoe collection. What is y'all's favorite brand of shoes? Which pair of shoes in your collection do you wear the most? Which are your favorite pair of shoes? Comment down below and let me know.

If you haven't already, please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date on all my videos!

If you haven't already, please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date on all my videos!

What is y'all's favorite brand of shoes? What are your go-to pair of shoes?

If y'all have any questions about any of the shoes in my collection or any that I should y'all, please comment down below and I will be so happy to tell y'all anything you want to know.

As always, thank y'all for stopping by and reading and watching! I will see y'all back here next time!

Love, Dani

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