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Blue Is 1!

Hey y'all! I hope all of you are doing well and staying safe at home. We have been lucky enough here in North Carolina that the weather has been absolutely amazing and out of this world, so we have all been enjoying some sunshine and amazing outdoor time. Being in quarantine means that of course we are celebrating some birthdays and holidays a little closer to home this year. It is our sweet baby Blue's first birthday and we are so incredibly lucky that we have had him for almost a year now. He was born in late April of 2019 and he became part of our family in July of 2019. Blue is crazy, chaotic, sweet (when he is asleep or early in the morning), and wants to play 24/7.

My dad is his best friend and every day my dad will come out of his office and ask where his buddy is and Blue will come running right up to him. Don't get me wrong, this dog has no idea what the words no or enough mean, but we love him to death! I went back and looked through all the pictures and videos I had of him ever since we got him and I decided why not put it all together and show y'all Blue's life so far. So down below is Blue's life in video and we can't wait to keep making more memories with him.

If you haven't already, please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date on all my videos.

If you haven't already, please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel so you can stay up to date on all my videos.

As always, thank y'all for stopping by and reading and watching! I will see y'all back here next time!

Love, Dani

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