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7 Things To Do While Your Stuck At Home

Anybody else going a little stir crazy like me? While we all do our part in social distancing in order to flatten the curve of the spread of the Corona Virus, I thought I would share a few ways that I have been making good use of this time at home. My heart goes out to the immune compromised, nurses and doctors on the front lines and my prayers are that this will pass and be contained quickly. I do think we should take this seriously, but not panic, so I’m doing my part by staying at home for the next few weeks.

This has FOR SURE been a huge change for me because I am usually on the go and trying to get as many things done as possible. I am sad because a lot of the events and things I had scheduled have been postponed or cancelled and I was quite excited for these things. It is nice that I do have trails running through my neighborhood that I can get out and get a run in or walk the dog. I am slowly starting to get the hang of it! If you have kids, your list may look different, but even if you do you may find some helpful ideas down below of ways to keep busy or self-care.


I have a huge stack of books that I haven't read yet, and I am for sure getting the opportunity to make a dent in that stack. If you don't have that stack of books, check out audiobooks, or even podcasts, so you can still get some book action in. We live in a world that is controlled by technology and devices, this is a great time to put them down and do some things we need to do that we don't get around to. If you have time off or are working from home, on your down time, pick up a book, play some cards or board games or just make some tea, get cozy and chat with your family! What better time to connect?


Yes, my gym has closed and I am sad but it was the smart thing to do. That has made me get creative and do some workouts using my body weight and some other tools around the house. If you have gym equipment in your house, like a treadmill, weights, or whatever it may be, you are set up and ready to go. Walks outside are another way to get fresh air while respecting social distancing! Someone also suggested riding bikes – love that suggestion!


This maybe the perfect time to do a huge clean out of your house. I just went through my closet recently but now I am thinking about going through it again because I feel like I still have too much stuff. Anybody else like that? From cleaning out your closet to cleaning up your office, the kitchen, the closets, and more, this is a great time to get organized and get rid of stuff you don't need. Even if you’re not doing a major organizing overhaul, just washing the bed sheets and tidying up around me can feel so, so good.


Now I am not saying this because of the Corona Virus, I am actually saying this because if you are a little bit like me and are on the go and some things take more priority than cleaning, this is a GREAT time to do it. My bedroom and bathroom are #1 on my list right now because they really need it.


Streaming services are probably fairing best from all of this because you're stuck inside, what are you going to do? Of course you are going to binge watch some Netflix, catch up on some episodes that you have missed, etc. I have not delved into this option yet because I have actually been catching up on videos that I am subscribed to on YouTube and watching those but I am sure I will be heading to Netflix soon to watch my favorite TV shows and relax on the couch.


If you want a better time to get some of those little or large things off your to-do list, this is a great time to do it. Whether it is fixing something, cleaning the floors, painting a wall, putting furniture up on Facebook marketplace (yep that's one of mine), etc. This is the PERFECT time to do it!


Oh what a great time for a little self love! I try to set aside time at least once a week for some extra self-care time. However I don’t always get to it, and I’ve already taken care of my hair and cleaned out beauty products I don't use. Clean out your beauty drawers, pull out the sheet mask and give yourself a manicure. Self tan and be ready to come out of this quarantine glowing, hunny! This can even mean getting ahead in cleaning your makeup brushes! There are some great at-home facials out there that y'all can check out and make yourselves.


What have y'all been doing while you are social distancing at home? I want to hear it all and what things you have been getting done around the house. I hope all of you stay safe and healthy.

As always, thank y'all for stopping by and reading! I will see y'all back here next time!

Love, Dani

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A Little Bit About Me!

I am a born and raised southern girl from North Carolina who loves to do anything, especially going to go see a good concert! I may wear a t-shirt and nike shorts everyday but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion and love to get dressed up every once in a while. I may not look like it but I am addicted to working out but love to eat the foods that I love and try new and exciting things! I have been through a lot of things and would love to share experiences and the journeys that I have gone on with everybody! 

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