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8 Ways To Turn A Bad Day Around

I have to admit I have been in a little bit of a funk lately. I have been battling with so many decisions lately that it has been weighing down on me and sometimes makes me just want to lay in bed all day and not do anything. But those are the days that I hate the most. When I feel like not doing anything or not having the motivation to do the things that I love. I have been trying to live a more balanced life physically, mentally, and spiritually. I have seen a huge difference in my life when these things are all balanced and lined up but sometimes we are a little bit off kilter. I have to admit that living this balanced life is easier said than done but it is something I have been working hard on.

Change is never easy, especially when it’s significant, trust me I am the queen of no change. So I’m learning to accept the ‘bad days’ and funks, but also enjoy the freedom of a life with space. I'm not sure what season of life you’re in, but if something’s causing you to feel less like yourself today, I wrote a list of things that always help me refocus that I think will help you too.


1. Journal

This is #1 for me because I love writing whatever is on my mind and getting it out onto paper. I do this every day, whether it’s a blog post that I actually end up publishing or just thoughts I want to write down. This is so freeing to me! Getting your feelings out of your head and onto paper is a great way to clear your head and put your feelings into words. I am not a digital person but I am a paper and pen person.

2. Go for a walk or get a workout in

There is nothing that makes my day better than getting a workout in. It is so mentally cleansing to me and having this in my daily routine has really helped balance my day. I try to get as many workouts done outside as possible because Just being outside and seeing a little bit of nature always makes me happier.

3. Learn something new

A new song on the guitar, a new recipe that you have been wanting to try, do yoga or stretch, listen to an artist or discover songs that you haven't listened to yet.

4. Plan a trip or schedule a date

There is nothing that gets more excited than planning some travel. Y'all know I love to travel, so putting things on the books and having a plan to explore somewhere new or old, turns my day right around! On a Monday, the work week can seem daunting, but having a girls mid-week lunch or weekend road trip on your calendar can make a big difference.

5. Go to the grocery store and prep all your meals for the week

I am not gonna lie, I love going to the grocery store. I am not the type of person who likes to order my groceries online and pick them up later. I like going in there and picking out my own foods and having that routine is very peaceful to me. This routine not only makes me feel more organized, but also prevents hangry moments during the week. Make a grocery list plan and then attack. Bring it all home and prep lunches and dinners for the week.

6. Call a loved one or good friend

This will never fail to put you in a better mood. Venting or just having a simple conversation with someone that means something to you can do A LOT! I try to go just see my grandparents as often as I can and I love getting to catch up with them. Grandparents have a different perspective on life and so much wisdom you can learn from. If you’re having a bad day, make time to catch up with one of your grandparents today. I’m sure it will make their day and in turn, make yours.

7. Catch up on some reading

I have been behind on my reading but when I am having a bad day, I love to go back and read some of my all time favorites. I don't know what it is they just always put a smile on my face and clear my mind.

8. Organize whatever needs organizing

I love organizing things and having things in a specific place. My favorite thing to organize is my closet and clothes and just having everything color-coded and lined up. Believe me when I say that I am constantly clearing out my closet because I still have too much stuff and can't fit it all in the space that I have.


Life is pretty wonderful when you have the right perspective on things. It’s ok to have bad days and even bad weeks, we all experience it. Sometimes you need to go through these times to refocus and fall back in love with the little things that make life beautiful.

What are some things that help y'all turn a bad day around?

As always, thank y'all for stopping by and reading! I will see y'all back here next time!

Love, Dani

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A Little Bit About Me!

I am a born and raised southern girl from North Carolina who loves to do anything, especially going to go see a good concert! I may wear a t-shirt and nike shorts everyday but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion and love to get dressed up every once in a while. I may not look like it but I am addicted to working out but love to eat the foods that I love and try new and exciting things! I have been through a lot of things and would love to share experiences and the journeys that I have gone on with everybody! 

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