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5 Ways To Switch Your Brain Off At Night

I am a person who does not joke around with their sleep. Ever since I was a baby, I have loved to sleep but as I have gotten older I have had to find ways to switch my brain off at night because the dang thing just wants to keep running. My sleep and the routine I rely on to help me get that sleep are two things I really try not to sacrifice no matter what day of the week it is. But it occurred to me recently that I haven’t shared much about what I do before my routine – you know, what I do to decompress and get my brain ready to go into relaxation slash sleep mode.

For me, I have to really consciously focus on winding down because Danielle brain is always running wild, so I think I have some really good insight to offer on this front. If you struggle with stuff like this too, promise me you’ll try some of these tips!


I freaking love to read! It is one of my favorite ways to relax and chill out when I am at home and traveling. I can get so caught up in a book and finish it in no time. But I can also read a book before I go to bed and it really helps me turn my brain off and focus on what I am reading. I know not everyone is a reader, but it really is one of the best ways to decompress at night or any time, really. Now I do suggest reading a physical book and not one on an e-reader or phone because those can actually prevent you from falling asleep faster.


Another favorite of mine! I am very passionate about journaling and every night before I go to bed I will try to get everything out of my head, whether it is things I have to do in the coming days, ideas, thoughts, etc. It’s my time to reflect and just get out anything that’s been weighing on me. I know some people do their journaling during their morning quiet time, but you could easily do it right when you get home to get out any stresses about work before settling into your evening. Brain dumps are also AMAZING for decluttering your mind. I like to do brain dumps on Sunday to get out any Sunday night anxiety I might be feeling about the week ahead.


Now this is one that I have recently just started picking up and it has been a challenge for me because it is not easy to turn my brain off and focus on my breathing. If you’ve never done it before or have no idea how to start, I recommend checking out an app. They make it so easy and approachable. Calm and Headspace are the two I’ve heard the most about. You could even make this part of your nightly bedtime routine because I guarantee you’re going to fall asleep ASAP.


This is probably one of my worst habits because sadly I don't have an office space in my apartment so I tend to have times where I will work in bed. I have been trying to break that habit and go somewhere else and get work done but it is hard. Some spaces should just be for you, know what I mean? I totally get that the work day doesn’t always end right at 5 pm and sometimes it has to come home with you. Or, if you’re like me and work from home, it can be hard to draw a line and know when to wrap up for the day. If you do have to bring work home or work late from home, do it, but go into your office (if you have one) or post up at the dining room table.

Your bed is a space that should instantly make you feel relaxed and ready to doze off, not focus in and go to work. If you make bringing work into bed with you a habit, your brain will remember that and no longer turn off when you’re there.


There is just something about calling my mom or dad or just talking to my sister that makes my heart happy. And when my heart is happy and I feel content, everything else fades away. I love living by myself and having my space, but I also love that my sister is living with me again and having roommates because having a friend to talk to about anything and everything after a long day helps to get the stresses of the day off my mind.

How do y'all decompress and switch your minds off at night?

As always thank y'all for stopping by and reading! I will see y'all back here next time!

Love, D

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A Little Bit About Me!

I am a born and raised southern girl from North Carolina who loves to do anything, especially going to go see a good concert! I may wear a t-shirt and nike shorts everyday but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion and love to get dressed up every once in a while. I may not look like it but I am addicted to working out but love to eat the foods that I love and try new and exciting things! I have been through a lot of things and would love to share experiences and the journeys that I have gone on with everybody! 

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