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8 Tiny Self Care Things To Try This Weekend

Hey y'all! We are finally at the end of our week and I am looking forward to this weekend of half work and half relaxing and hanging out with people. Which honestly is how my weekends are most of the time. What do y'all have planned for the weekend?

Since the weekend is here, I think it is time to talk about self-care. Everybody is always so busy that we often forget to actually take time for ourselves and make sure we are okay. I feel like the term “self-care” has been used A LOT lately. The second you want to get your nails done or do something for yourself, you’re having a self-care day. I’m all for it. There’s nothing better than doing a few simple things to make yourself feel better. I think self-care can be small or big, some are even free, or cost little money to accomplish.

These small things can help to boost your mood, boost your confidence, and even help release some stress. One of my biggest self-care things is just getting a workout in and sweating because it instantly boosts my mood and helps me get my mind right! Here are a few of my favorite quick and easy self care tips and tricks to try when I’m in need of a pick me up.


Get A Manicure

I RARELY go to the nail salon to get my nails done to help save money. But I am all for every once in awhile going and getting a fresh, fun manicure maybe even with some fun nail art. It’ll make you feel better and more put together.

Take A Workout Class

Like I said up top. There is no better therapy for me than getting in a really great workout where I walk out completely drenched in sweat where I feel like I just accomplished something major! The instant endorphin boost you get after a workout is always worth it. I love to take cycling classes but I am a runner girl and love to get some sort of run in to give my day an extra boost.

Soak In A Bubble Bath

I am not very much of a bath girl but when I am having a crap week or really, really, REALLY bad day, I like to take a nice bubble bath and just sit there and relax. You can even throw on some relaxing music that makes you feel like you are somewhere else. Bring a book for a little added boost! Oh or a glass of wine, either works.

Have A Dance Party

I'm not lying to you when I say, that I actually have daily dance parties in my bedroom because it makes me happy and feel so free when I do it! You know there’s those songs that just get you excited to get up and dance a little. Well, put it on and dance! Even just a good throwback playlist than you can sing along to will get your mood feeling better. I have been dancing to a lot of The Chainsmokers recently but I flop back-and-forth between that and some good ole country music!

Take A Walk

Or just get outside and smell that fresh air. Sometimes a nice relaxed walk and some fresh air are just what you need. I always feel refreshed from the exercise aspect of it but also just being active feels great. Whenever I’m starting to get overwhelmed with work and emails, or just need a mental break from everything, I grab Blue or one of my other dogs and head outside for a quick walk around the block. They may not even need to go out, but it does wonders for my mood and attitude!

Do A Little Shopping

In my eyes, there is nothing better than retail therapy! Some people may disagree with me on this because they say it causes irrational purchases, but nothing makes me feel better than something that is brand new. I am a huge in person shopper and love to go and feel the clothes and look through everything and it actually gives me some inspiration. Nothing better than walking around a store and picking something out and actually taking it home in a nice bag feels so much better than opening a UPS box. I like to visit local boutiques, or shops that have great little pieces to browse and shop.

Call A Friend Or Family Member

I am very much an on the phone talker, where I get to hear someone's voice and actually have a somewhat normal conversation like that. A lot of people tend to avoid the phones these days, but honestly, a good long conversation with a friend can help boost your mood and help with self-care. Pick up the phone and give a close friend or a family member a call and catch up with them. You’ll not only feel better, but they will too!

Relax In Bed Or On The Couch

This is quite honestly, what I do when I need a self-care day. There is nothing better than just taking your time and laying in bed or sitting on the couch catching up on some TV and thinking about absolutely nothing. If I have a mentally draining day, I love to sit in bed and just relax and maybe read a good book.


What do y'all do when you need a self-care day? Does it make you feel better?

As always thank y'all for stopping by and reading! I will see y'all back here next time!

Love, D

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A Little Bit About Me!

I am a born and raised southern girl from North Carolina who loves to do anything, especially going to go see a good concert! I may wear a t-shirt and nike shorts everyday but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion and love to get dressed up every once in a while. I may not look like it but I am addicted to working out but love to eat the foods that I love and try new and exciting things! I have been through a lot of things and would love to share experiences and the journeys that I have gone on with everybody! 

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