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Cher Concert

Hey y'all! How was everyone's weekend? More importantly, how is everyone's day going? I got little to no sleep last for some unknown reason so today is a little bit of a rough one but we are powering through and trying to get as much done as possible. But my weekend was fun because I had some family friends, or basically family, in town that we don't get to see that often so it was super awesome to see them and catch up! We are going to dive right in to today's post because I got to check a HUGE event off of my bucket list last night!

When you were a kid, did you ever listen to one musical artist and have private concerts in your bedroom listening to the album as loud as you can? Well I did and that musical artist for me was a true ICON and her name is Cher! If you have never heard of Cher before, you need to go educate yourself but I feel like there isn't a single person out there that hasn't heard of this legendary icon. Hailey and I grew up on Cher, so when I heard she was going on tour and was making a stop in Raleigh, I knew I had to get Hailey and I tickets. It just so happens that is exactly what I get Hailey for Christmas and she was over the moon excited!

So last night was finally the night that we got to see the icon that we have grown up on and it was nothing short of absolute perfection. Cher played such a wide array of music from Burlesque to Mamma Mia to Sonny and Cher to Believe to other amazing classics of hers. I may or may not have cried from happiness but y'all will never know the answer to that statement. Hailey and I just kept looking at each other saying, like is she actually a real person! Her stage sets were absolutely amazing and when I say she did 10 wardrobe changes, she actually did 10 wardrobe changes!

Down below are a ton of pictures from the concert for y'all to see and if you want to see some of Cher's performances, go check out my Instagram IGTV (@dlclardy) to see some of them!

Do y'all have an icon that you had private concerts of when you were a kid? I am so thankful and happy that Hailey and I were able to go see Cher because it really was a once in a lifetime experience to see her! If you want to see some of Cher's performances, go check out my Instagram IGTV (@dlclardy) to see some of them!

As always thank y'all for stopping by and reading! I will see y'all back here next time!

Love, D

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A Little Bit About Me!

I am a born and raised southern girl from North Carolina who loves to do anything, especially going to go see a good concert! I may wear a t-shirt and nike shorts everyday but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion and love to get dressed up every once in a while. I may not look like it but I am addicted to working out but love to eat the foods that I love and try new and exciting things! I have been through a lot of things and would love to share experiences and the journeys that I have gone on with everybody! 

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