The Secret To Being The Best You
Hey y'all! Welcome back to a brand new week where I am actually going to post! I'm sorry I was absent last week it was kind of a stressful week and somethings got put on the back burner but I am back with a full week of content and I AM TRAVELING! We are headed on our first trip this summer and I am excited and stressed out at the same time. I have a lot to do tonight so I can catch my flight tomorrow morning and actually feel relaxed. But look out next week because I am vlogging this trip as my first travel vlog so I am excited to see how this pans out! I want to jump into today's post though because this is really something that I work hard to do.
I love reading anything motivational or inspiring. I am definitely the type of person who scrolls through Pinterest looking for inspirational quotes and sayings. A few weeks ago, I was reading about pushing yourself to be the best. The article talked about how so often when we think about being the best, we end up comparing ourselves to everyone else in the world and trying to be "better" than them. Instead, we should be reflecting inwards and looking at "the best" in ourselves. Did we REALLY give it OUR all and do OUR personal best?
I loved this thought and it really hit home for me because I too often compare myself to others and don't see myself as being equal to other people. A huge goal for me is to start comparing myself to myself and my own individual progress. It seems weird to say, but ask yourself-- are you really being the best version of yourself? The best sister, daughter, friend, granddaughter, best friend, entrepreneur, blogger, etc. I can truly say that there are areas I am failing in, but I am constantly looking to grow and trying to be better.
Each year, and even each month, I set goals for myself to grow physically, socially, mentally, and personally. The goals always align with previous goals that I have set and continue to push me to be the better person that I want to be. If you look back at the past year and say I feel I grew 10% or accomplished these things, this year I want to grow 12% and accomplish this next set of things.
It's not about looking at other people and what they do and trying to beat them. Instead it is about pushing myself and looking for ways that I can grow in every aspect that I want to as well as in other parts of my life.

Outfit Details: Free People Love Letter Tee | Black Flying Monkey Jeans | Brown Strappy Sandals | James Michelle Rings | Kendra Scott Ring
How do y'all try to be your best selves? As always thank you for stopping by and reading! Stay tuned for a lot more to come!
Love, D