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Christmas Round-Up

Hey y'all! I hope everybody has had a great week! Mine has been going good so far and I am trying to hop back into workouts, not because of new years resolutions but because of health purposes, and let me tell you right now they are kicking my butt! I'm serious! Everyday it seems I am sore in a different area of my body, but I love it because it means I am working hard!

I am here with another VLOG! I got a lot of questions from people as to some of the things that I got this holiday season so I thought I would do a video round-up of it all and share with you guys where it all came from. Everything mentioned in the video is linked down below, so if you see something you like, you can find it right down below.

Pink & White, and Blue & White Pajama Bottoms from Aerie (in store only)

I hope you guys enjoyed this vlog and there will more to come so stay tuned! As always thank you for stopping by and watching!

Love, D

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