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Ways To Refresh After The Holidays

Hey y'all! I hope everybody is having a great week so far and look we are already half way through it! I'm sorry that this is the first post of the week, my site has not been cooperating with me so I have had a hard time getting on to create my content. Besides that, I hope everybody is dealing with the cold well. I was not prepared at all and it seems like I am not the only one either! No joke my apartment pool is completely and utterly frozen as well as small body of water around here! But I hope all of you are staying bundled up and warm. I am super nervous and excited at the same time because next week is the start of classes again and I am really excited to see what this semester holds and what is going to happen. I am taking 18 credit hours so I am hunkering down and getting ready to grab the bull by the horns.

In previous posts I have been saying that after the holidays my social battery was running low after jumping from place to place and doing everything imaginable. So I thought I would share some tips of how to get back on track and hit the reset button on everything after things being so crazy. So here we go!


I am all about my me time, so after the holidays and being around a lot of people, it was definitely time for some me time. By this I mean doing whatever you want that makes you happy and most of the time, for me, this is doing it by myself. You can stay in bed all day or lay on the couch and catch up on your Netflix and TV shows, go to the mall and buy things you want (retail therapy always makes me feel better), or even go see a movie by yourself. The point is to just catch up on your you time and do what you want to do for a whole day or two!


Now I know y'all are probably like what the crap right now. But my favorite thing to do after a really long day is to take a really long hot shower and just let everything go. Sometimes I will play music while I am in there and just sing it out and other times I will just go silent and think. I love to just stand underneath the hot water and let it pour over top of me and let it all fade away!


I am all about routine, so when I am off of routine it is really important for me to get back into my groove and swing of things. And once again sometimes taking a day to myself to do the things I want really helps me to do that. I will even do things like make lists or notes to tell me what I need to do and this is extremely helpful to get caught up and actually caught up, while also getting the train back on the tracks.

What are some of y'alls favorite things to do to hit the reset button after the long holidays? I have a couple new vlogs coming your way very soon so please stay tuned! As always thank you for stopping by and reading!

Love, D

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A Little Bit About Me!

I am a born and raised southern girl from North Carolina who loves to do anything, especially going to go see a good concert! I may wear a t-shirt and nike shorts everyday but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion and love to get dressed up every once in a while. I may not look like it but I am addicted to working out but love to eat the foods that I love and try new and exciting things! I have been through a lot of things and would love to share experiences and the journeys that I have gone on with everybody! 

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