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Questions For Self- Discovery

You can guarantee that everyday I am on Pinterest scouring for motivational sayings and self discovery posts to help me keep going and keep moving through my day, week, month, whatever it may be. I came across this particular Pinterest post that made me do some additional journaling on top of what I do everyday. Ever since I can remember I have always had a journal or something I can write in and reflect on things that have occurred in my life. When I was younger I used to self reflect and even analyze things way to hard which made me feel bad about myself as well as feel guilty. Now that I have grown up a little bit, I see self reflection as a way to grow myself character wise instead of attacking myself. Most of the time we just keep going on with whatever we usually do without ever stopping and thinking about what our true purpose really is. While reading the article, I really loved some of the questions so I wanted to share them with you and I am even going to answer them myself! I really suggest looking at this post and answering them yourself in a journal or whatever you find easiest to get everything out of your system.

What am I grateful for? List at least 10 things.

My Family, Friends, My Pets, Two Cozy Homes (shelter, food, rest), My Health, The amazing opportunities I am given, The traveling I have done and still get to do, Country Music, My Blog, and Sunsets.

When did I experience joy this week?

Part of my job is to work with different camps that are associated with the YMCA, and getting the opportunity to make a difference, even if it is small, in all of these kids lives gives me such joy and makes all the hard work worth it!

What's bothering me? Why?

Lately, I have been feeling run down and that I am failing at everything I do and constantly feeling like I am not good enough because I am comparing myself to people around me. It's been a challenging few weeks at work, but I keep trying to stay on the positive side and work on the blog and do the things I truly loved to do.

What is something I would love to learn?

I would love to learn how to surf, especially since I am at the beach so much! I love to watch the surfers out there early in the morning surfing those amazing waves with ease. I know for me this would be a challenge but I feel like if I can conquer the thing that I want to do the most I can cross it off the list and conquer the next thing!

What advice would I give my younger self? (Do I follow this now?)

Wow! This question could be a blog post just by itself. When I was younger I played life really safe and didn't like to do anything that made me terrified. I was never really a rebel but I did suffer from depression and was bullied because of my size. But as time has gone on, I can definitely look back and say that I am not proud of some of the things that I have done in the past. So to my younger self I would say, Danielle, don't beat on your self so hard and don't feel like you have to live up to these expectations that you will never be able to achieve unless you truly love yourself. Don't worry about not knowing what you want to do in life because you will find the thing you love and you will be the best at it. When you feel like you are all alone and that you are the only one going through particular things, your not and you will learn that as you grow up. Appreciate the people that are always there for you, especially your best friend who today is still your best friend after 11 years! To answer the second part of this, do I follow this now, I really do because I know that the only person that I truly have to make happy is myself and that is all that matters. I have spent way too much of my life trying to impress others and be something that I am not and one day I decided to change that but I wish I had done it sooner.

At the end of my life, what do I want my legacy to be?

Gosh! I feel like this is another blog post by itself as well. This is such a loaded question that I don't think we really ever think of or ask ourselves because we are all kind of passive to it. We have a daily routine of get up, go to our jobs, and do our daily tasks but I truly believe that purpose fuels passions and that we are all made to do something great. I hope that my legacy is that somehow or the other I made a difference in people's lives and left them better than I found them. I would hope that people are touched by my kindness and love and that maybe, just maybe, I inspired one individual. But for myself, I want to do something big in life and really do some kind of work that I have a passion for and that will make me happy and excited to get out of bed everyday! I am in no way perfect and I never will be, but I get up everyday and try to be. Not a hard question at all right? Haha!

Outfit Details: Top | Jeans | Sunglasses | Ring | Necklace

I hope all of you enjoyed this post and I hope you go look at these questions and try to answer a few of them and see what you come up with and what you learn about yourself!

Love, D

Thanks! Message sent.

A Little Bit About Me!

I am a born and raised southern girl from North Carolina who loves to do anything, especially going to go see a good concert! I may wear a t-shirt and nike shorts everyday but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion and love to get dressed up every once in a while. I may not look like it but I am addicted to working out but love to eat the foods that I love and try new and exciting things! I have been through a lot of things and would love to share experiences and the journeys that I have gone on with everybody! 

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