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Happy 18th Birthday Hailey!

Today my best friend and little sister turns 18!! I can't believe how much you have grown up (okay well lets not get ahead of ourselves) or somewhat have grown up. I wanted to make a picture diary here for your birthday and show you all the things I love about you!

We used to make fun of you, or still do, because when you were a baby you used to have this blonde afro and mom and dad always used to say that they could wash dishes with your head because it was like a brillo pad!

I can always count on the fact that when you and Taylor get together there is bound to be some craziness that happens :)

Drop dead gorgeous as always but I love that you know that you don't have to wear all of that make-up to look good!

You have and always will be a total beach bum and I guess thats why you are moving to Wrightsville and living out everybody's dream!

You have some of the craziest faces that I have ever seen but when you smile it truly is beautiful!

Now your all grown up and an adult finally! I can't wait to see what you do in your life, I'm sure it will shock us all!

  1. I love how at the age of 18 now you can still manage to take a 4 hour nap, EVERYDAY! Like really it is a talent because I have never seen someone sleep as much as you do.

  2. I love how you don't care what other people think and you just be you.

  3. I love how you think you are the funniest person out there but hate when people don't laugh at your jokes!:)

  4. You still use your little girl or child's voice when you want something from mom and dad. And trust me you have it down pact by now!

  5. Your bed is still covered with stuffed animals that you have had since you were a baby. Them seem to be accumulating too because every time I come home I feel like you have a new friend!

  6. I love how you are a constant outlet of entertainment!

  7. Anytime you get the change you love to cuddle and sleep with mom in her bed

  8. I love how when I am home for a long period of time and then leave, you tell me you miss me! Whenever you tell me this it makes me feel special and that you actually like me.

  9. You love all of our animals (the real ones not the stuffed animals!) and take more pictures of them than anything or anybody else.

  10. I love how you know you can't sing but every car ride you a like it is a concert! It's a concert with a wide variety of music that probably nobody would love to hear us sing!

  11. I love how we can have a conversation just using Movie or TV quotes! It's really funny to see the look on peoples faces when we do this because they have no idea what we are talking about!:)

  12. Your laugh and smile are the best things in the entire world. Whenever you laugh I know I am bound to crack up because your face when you laugh is always funny!

  13. You don't like to own up to it, but you really are a good dancer and it is always so fun to see what you come up with.

  14. I love how adventurous you are, way more than I am, and it is always fun and exciting to see what daring or crazy thing you do!

  15. You love to eat, almost as much as you love to sleep! I always call you a bottomless pit because you eat and eat and I don't know where it goes!

  16. You are so beautiful, inside and out, and continue to get prettier and prettier everyday!

  17. I love the way you have stayed strong through some incredibly tough things that other girls your age would have never made it through!

  18. And MOST OF ALL, I love our relationship and how much it grows everyday.


Now a few birthday messages from some other people that care about you!

Kyle Conover: "Happy birthday beautiful!!!!! You have been my best friend, my side kick, my partner in crime, and my rock for 7 years now. We have been through some good times and some really bad times but for the most part we stuck it out. I am truly excited to see all that you become because you have the ability to do great things! Never doubt that! I am so happy to have you in my life and now your legal! (A bit scary) so live it up and know I always got your back! Happy birthday Ms. Hailey Elizabeth!!!"

Mom: "Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl! From the moment I saw you I have loved you more than you will ever know. You have brought so much joy and sunshine into my life with your smile, your laugh and that witty sense of humor ;-). As your mother I have seen you go through plenty of highs and lows but no matter what you always find the strength to keep pushing through. You are a strong, beautiful, kind, caring, smart, and loving young lady. Don't let the world take any of that from you. I will always be here to laugh with you, cry with you, listen to you and give advice when needed. Keep smiling sweetie, no one can take that from you ever! Have the best birthday yet...Twinkle Twinkle sweet girl! I love you a million trillion gazillion rainbows and forever ever and always! Love you!"

Dad: "Hailey, take life one day at a time and live in the moment. You have no control over yesterday or tomorrow. All you have is RIGHT NOW, so just be happy. No matter how many of your birthdays come and go, you will always be my little girl. Happy birthday, Love Dad xo"

Kaitlyn Pettey: "Happy FREAKIN birthday, Hailey!!!! I can't believe you're eighteen years old. Who decided it was okay to let you become a legal adult? I feel like just yesterday you were graduating from middle school. Alongside your sister, I've watched you grow up over the past couple of years into this absolutely beautiful, strong woman. Though you're younger, you continually inspire me. But don't let this new adulthood get to your head --- you're still my little chicken nugget. I love you SO FREAKIN MUCH, always!!! I can't wait to see you soon and give you a gigantic birthday hug!!!"

Morgan Varner: "Happy birthday sweet girl 💕 we haven't know each other long but I feel as if we already have a great weird friendship! You are finally legal which means your mistakes are permanent, watch out and be safe! Ily little one! P.S. I'm coming to visit you in wimly!"

Taylor Crawford: "Happy birthday my beautiful best friend! I love you so much I can't believe we've known each other since we were 8 years old we have so many memories together that I wouldn't trade for the world. You've been the bestest friend I could ask for and you have always been there for me and I truly love you for that! Happy big 18 lets go get matching tattoos and live it up together I love you babe!"

Love, D

Thanks! Message sent.

A Little Bit About Me!

I am a born and raised southern girl from North Carolina who loves to do anything, especially going to go see a good concert! I may wear a t-shirt and nike shorts everyday but that doesn't mean I don't love fashion and love to get dressed up every once in a while. I may not look like it but I am addicted to working out but love to eat the foods that I love and try new and exciting things! I have been through a lot of things and would love to share experiences and the journeys that I have gone on with everybody! 

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